Trinity Lutheran Church - LCMS
16 12th Ave NE,  Hampton, Iowa  50441
Rev. Karl C. Bollhagen 

From Vicar Stefanec  (March)

Dear Trinity,

As we continue to consider how Old Testament individuals foreshadow Christ, we look to Melchizedek.

Melchizedek is a somewhat mysterious individual in the Old Testament.  In Genesis 14, after Abraham rescues Lot, he is met by the king of Sodom and Melchizedek, the king of Salem, in the Valley of Shaveh.  Melchizedek has no known origin and no known genealogy.  He simply appears in this account of Scripture as a priest of God.  He brings bread and wine, and blesses Abraham, saying that the Earth belongs to Abraham and that Abraham is given victory over his enemies.  Abraham gives Melchizedek a tenth of what he has.  Then, Melchizedek vanishes from the story of Genesis as quickly as he appeared.

The book of Hebrews teaches us that Christ too is a priest “in the order of Melchizedek.”  Hebrews says, “[Melchizedek] is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever,” (7:3).  The author of Hebrews later speaks of Christ, saying “The LORD has sworn, and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever, the order of Melchizedek.” (7:17, 21).  Why is this significant?  For two reasons.  First, Christ is not a priest in the line of Aaron because his priesthood is better.  He does not need to keep offering sacrifices as the Levitical priesthood did, because his once and for all sacrifice was his own body upon the cross.  All sin is covered by his one sacrifice.  Second, he continues to be a priest forever into eternity.

You can find comfort in this by knowing that Christ, the Lamb of God who was sacrificed for all sin, intercedes for you at the right hand of the Father even now.  He intercedes on behalf of your sin, weaknesses, and sufferings.  He sympathizes with all you endure as a mortal human, for he too is human. As Hebrews says, “he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them,” (7:25). You do not need to fear if Christ regards you, if he remembers you, or if he will be with you in temptation, suffering, and strife.  He is in heaven to intercede for you.  From now into eternity, Christ prays for you in heaven day or night and will never forsake you.

So, call upon him as your high priest with bold confidence that he is the sacrifice who once and for all atoned for your sin, never to abandon you.

For prayer:  Heavenly Father, your beloved Son removed the sin of all the world through his sacrifice upon the cross. Please do not deal with me according to my sin, weakness, and guilt, but according to the blood and intercession of your Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.